You’re ready to get moving on your kitchen or bathroom remodel. We get it. You can visualize the finished product, and you don’t want to waste another minute. However, before you hire a general contractor, consider these tips from our team here at Hearn Construction, Inc. of Kokomo, IN.
Do you have friends or family members who have recently finished a basement or remodeled a bathroom? Ask about their experience and whether they’d recommend that contractor to a friend. Make a list of contractors that you want to contact.
After you’ve made a list of possible options, check them out. Get online to read about the company, see how long they’ve been in business, see pictures of past work, or get a feel for their credentials. You may also want to give them a call to test out their level of customer service. From here, you can narrow down your options before moving forward. (To find out more about Hearn Construction, hop on over to our About Us page.)
Gather written bids from several different sources. You want to get their estimates in writing so you can compare them and ask questions as necessary. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends, “Don’t automatically choose the lowest bidder. Ask for an explanation to see if there’s a reason for the difference in price.”
Remember: You’re the consumer, and general contractors want your business. Therefore, you have the right to ask as many questions as you want before you agree to hire that particular contractor.
Everything is better in writing when it comes to hiring a contractor. The FTC recommends that you always get a written contract prior to moving forward with a construction project, both for your own protection and for all parties to be on the same page. The FTC urges homeowners to ensure the contract is “clear and concise and includes the who, what, where, when, and cost of your project.”
As you search for the right general contractor for your home improvement project, we hope that you’ll keep Hearn Construction on your list of possibilities. We’ve served the greater Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie, and Indianapolis areas since 1990 and have a proven record of residential and commercial contracting experience and customer service. Contact us today at (765) 452-2669 to find out more or to get an estimate.
“Hiring a Contractor.” Web page. Federal Trade Commission. March 2014. Web. 23 September. 2017.
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public domain via pixabay
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